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2022 Black Marlin Championship

2022 Black Marlin Championship Tournament Registration

Register for the 2022 Black Marlin Championship via the button below.
[Tournament registration opens in another window.]

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Tournament Rules

IGFA angling rules apply. 
Leader must be in hand at time of release. Release time is when the fish has been (that’s right…) released
Photographic evidence of release required.
1 marlin release is 1000points
Only non-offset circle hooks may be used for bait.  

Tournament rules & information continue below.

Fishing Area

The fishing area is east of the Great Barrier Reef, between the southern end of Channel Reef up to the northern most point of Jewell Reef.  Be aware of Green Zone rules/regulations.

Line Class

Heavy tackle 24kg, 37kg and 60Kg only, that conforms to IGFA rules.


There is no line class point score. One release = 1000 points. Only marlin (blue, black and striped marlin) count towards point score.


Maximum 4 anglers per team.


Team arrange their own boat and any related charter fees. Boats must be seaworthy and have public liability insurance. In case of bad weather, participation is the responsibility of the skipper.

Judging and Protests

Tournament judging will be by the CPGFA committee. Protests must be submitted in writing and in the hands of the judges by 1800 after final day’s cease fishing. Photographic evidence of releases will be required in the event of any protest.

The judges’ decision is final.

Fishing Times and Scoresheets

Fishing times will be 1000 hours to 1730 hours daily. All released or captured fish must be reported as soon as possible to Tournament Base and acknowledged. These times will apply for countback scenarios.

All anglers and crew should comply with the Cairns Professional Game Fishing Association ‘Code of Practice’.


Champion Team Release CPGFA TROPHY AND CASH PRIZE – number of vessels will determine the prize with a 60/30/10 split of the entries.
-The Champion Boat will receive FREE entry to CPGFA Black Marlin Championship 2023


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The History

[rd_lists_ctn][rd_list i_color=”#ffffff” content_color=”#ffffff” link=”” icon=”cl-play44″]Commemorative Sculpture

[/rd_list][rd_list i_color=”#ffffff” content_color=”#ffffff” link=”” icon=”cl-play44″]Hall of Fame

[/rd_list][rd_list i_color=”#ffffff” content_color=”#ffffff” link=”” icon=”cl-play44″]CPGFA History
